We can help you find the perfect hotel for your destination, or a hotel that is a destination in and of itself. Our partnerships with thousands of hotels enable us to provide you with added benefits you otherwise would not receive.
Preferred Benefits
Virtuoso’s collection of 1,100+ preferred hotels and resorts comprises some of the best hotels in the world. When booking a stay at one of these hotels with The Savvy Travel Co., you get VIP treatment and receive exclusive benefits such as:
Room upgrade on arrival*
Daily breakfast for two
Early check-in/late checkout*
Food & beverage or spa treatment credit
Special Virtuoso experiences
*Subject to availability
We also have partnerships with the following invitation-only hotel membership programs, allowing us to offer you a variety of perks and benefits to enhance your travel experience:
Four Seasons Preferred Partner
Hyatt Prive
Marriott Paradise Elite Club and Accolades
Red Carnation Hotels
Ritz Carlton STARS Program
Rosewood Elite
Sandals & Beaches Resorts
Shangri La Luxury Circle
Starwood Luxury Privileges
Shangri-La TLC Program
Peninsula Pen Club
The Guild
Click below to book a stay at a Virttuoso preferred hotel or resort. Note this search will only show Virtuoso hotels- contact us to inquire about other non-Virtuoso options.
2019 Best of the Best
Click here or on the image to view an electronic version of Virtuoso’s Best of the Best, featuring information on many of the hotels and resorts where you can enjoy exclusive benefits when booking with us. Contact us if you would like a copy sent in the mail to you.